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Titre ECCO XXXIV European Culture Collections as tools in research and biotechnology
Date May 27th - 29th 2015
Lieu Paris, France
Organisateur  Institut Pasteur
Langue Anglais

The Biological Resource Centre of Institut Pasteur (CRBIP) is pleased to invite you to attend the ECCO meeting 2015 which will be held at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France from May 27th to 29th.

You are all invited to participate in this event, which will bring together the European community of professionals on Microbial Culture Collections, to address the future challenges of Biological Resource Centres, regarding the adaptation to the needs and requirements of academics and bio-industry.



plateforme dédiée aux manifestations
Tel. : 01 84 17 20 55 / 06 89 19 34 06
E-mail :
La première plateforme Française de gestion de manifestations regroupant la billeterie, la gestion des hébergements, une boutique en ligne, la gestion des surfaces d'exposition et la gestion complète du programme scientifique.
Organisation de Congrès, manifestations, Séminiaires, Colloques