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Titre ETOX18 European Workshop on Bacterial Protein Toxins
Date June 26-30, 2017
Lieu 28 rue du Dr Roux - Paris - France
Organisateur  Institut Pasteur
Langue Anglais

ETOX is a label for a well-established and reputed series of “European Workshops on Bacterial Protein Toxins” initiated in 1983 with the impulsion of Joseph E. Alouf and in association with John Freer, Sjur Olnes, Paul Falmagne, Franz Fehrenbach, Rino Rappuoli and Torkel Wadstrom.

Since then the ETOX series are held biannually throughout different European countries. The first meeting was held in France, in the small town Seillac close to the famous Loire castles, and it was organized by Professor J. E. Alouf from Institut Pasteur, Paris.



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La première plateforme Française de gestion de manifestations regroupant la billeterie, la gestion des hébergements, une boutique en ligne, la gestion des surfaces d'exposition et la gestion complète du programme scientifique.
Organisation de Congrès, manifestations, Séminiaires, Colloques