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Date October 26-28, 2015
Lieu 28 rue du Dr Roux 75724 Paris - France
Organisateur  Institut Pasteur
Langue Anglais

We are delighted to announce the Fungal Cell Wall 2015 meeting to be held on the campus of the Institut Pasteur in Paris from 26-28 October, 2015. This meeting will gather the leaders in fungal cell wall biology, immunology, and antifungal mechanisms to exchange new ideas and forge new collaborations.

Cell wall biosynthetic enzymes represent unique drug targets. In the last 10 years, major discoveries in cell wall biology were achieved in an amazing diversity of disciplines, including biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, genetics, immunology and host defense interactions, and biophysics. These breakthroughs are contributing to a better understanding of the cell wall and its role in fungal infections in human and plants.



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